Knowledge Sharing

How to open PomeFresh juice bottle easily
PomeFresh pure organic juice uses a light pasteurization process, ensuring quality without preservatives. Some customers may find the bottle cap difficult to open due to a tightly-sealed cap.
To open it easily, turn the bottle upside down and tap the bottom 2-3 times with your palm to release pressure. After opening, refrigerate any unfinished juice and consume within a week. Enjoy fresh, organic juice!

Healing Power of Pomegranate

The Wonder Juice : Pomegranate Juice

How Eating Organic Food Can Help You Lose Weight Fast
Why PomeFresh Pomegranate Juice?
It is delivered to your home at no extra costs. No need to wait or compare, order yours and start enjoying its wonderful goodness now!
Eat a healthier breakfast to manage diabetes and body weight naturally
The following countries rank the highest in obesity rates:
1. Nauru: 94.95
2. Micronesia: 92.10
3. Cook Islands: 91.85
4. Niue: 83.80
5. Samoa: 82.60
6. Palau: 80.85
7. United States: 78.60
8. Tonga: 77.15
9. Kiribati: 76.60
10. Dominica: 75.80
These rates correspond closely to the highest rates of diabetes and other diseases among countries.
On the other hand, some of the least obese countries (taking into consideration poverty and standard of healthcare), such as Japan, Korea and Singapore, are enjoying the best longevity.
Of course, this situation is quickly changing as well. Singapore is shifting from being one of the least obese countries to having much higher rates. High standards of healthcare and affordability have helped, but things can easily worsen if efforts are not made to break this trend. Thus, our forward-looking government declared a war on diabetes last year.
At the same time, it is wrong to expect the government to solve all of society’s problems. Each individual must work for the future of personal health and family wellbeing.
Among contributing factors, food and nutrition is the most critical for two reasons: (1) food & nutrition directly influence health; (2) this is an area over which individuals have the most control—genes, life style and living environment are not so easily adjusted.
Among the three meals, breakfast is the one over which you have the most control, whereas lunch and dinner are commonly settled in food courts, coffee shops and restaurants.
Try this innovative breakfast, which can be prepared instantly and yet cost less than your corner hop fried bee hoon. What’s more, you can try it FREE. Click on “Get Offer,” or visit to order your free set.
This is a genuine offer for people who wish to manage their body weight, already have unstable blood sugar levels (diabetic), or are having difficulty producing regular bowel movement effortlessly. It is not free to manufacture the product and deliver, so please only order one pack to try. If you like it, you can order our attractive “buy 2 get 1 free” offer, which delivers a light meal at S$1.3 to your doorstep.
So what are you waiting for?
很多人都知道钠 (盐) 对人体的影响。过低的钠会使人觉得乏力,甚至脱水, 呼吸困难。过高的摄取钠,往往会引起高血压及心脏疾病。所以,很多国家都把低盐饮食作为公共卫生教育的主题之一。
实际上,最新的研究显示,只控制钠摄取量是片面和不够的。人体中钾与钠的平衡才是至关重要的。合理的钾摄取以及与钠的平衡可能与高血压和心血管疾病有直接的关系。日本人高血压和心血管疾病的患病率较很多国家低。较普遍的看法是,日本人引用大量的绿茶。有趣的是,美国食品于医药管理局 (FDA) 在2006年5月拒绝了绿茶商 要在食品包装上加注” 绿茶可降低心脏病风险“的请求。恰恰在这之前, FDA批准了 可在食品标签上使用”钾摄取可能降低高血压和中风的风险“的标示。日本饮食中,鱼和生菜明显比其它地方来的多。鱼和生菜都含较高的钾。这可能才是日本人患高血压和中风低的真正原因。
正常人的钾排泄量与食人量相等,在生长时期,由于体内组织增加,钾平衡呈正性,当组织分解时,其所含的钾被释放而排除,则钾呈负平衡。很多天然食物均含钾盐,一般膳食每日可供给2~4克钾,足够生理上的需要。但是,由於饮食习惯的改变,低钾以经成为一个普遍现象。 美国一个调查发现,超过一半的美国人的钾摄取量不足所需量的一半。补钾的最好途径是什么呢?食富含钾的食物——限盐补钾,石榴最佳!
汉武帝时候,张骞出使西域, 住在安石国的宾馆里, 宾馆门口一株花红似的小树, 张骞非常喜爱, 但从没见过, 不知道是什么树, 园丁告诉他是石榴树, 张骞一有空闲就要站在石榴树旁欣赏石榴花, 后来, 天大旱, 石榴花叶日渐枯萎, 于是张骞就担水浇那棵石榴树。 石榴树张骞的灌浇下, 叶也返绿了, 花也伸展了。
张骞在安石国办完公事, 就要回国的那天夜里, 正在屋里画通往西域的地图。 忽见一个红衣绿裙的女子推门而入, 飘飘然来到跟前, 施了礼说: “听说您明天就要回国了, 奴愿跟您同去中原。” 张骞大吃一惊, 心想准是安石国哪位使女要跟他逃走, 身在异国, 又身为汉使, 怎可惹此是非, 于是正颜厉色说: “夜半私入, 口出不逊, 出去出去, 快些出去了!” 那女子见张骞撵她, 怯生生地走了。
第二天, 张骞回国时, 安石国赠金他不要, 赠银他不收, 单要宾馆门口那棵石榴树。 他说: “我们中原什么都有, 就是没有石榴树, 我想把宾馆门口那棵石榴树起回去, 移植中原, 也好做个纪念。” 安石国国王答应了张骞的请求, 就派人起出了那棵石榴树, 同满朝文武百官给张骞送行。
张骞一行人在回来的路上, 不幸被匈奴人拦截, 当杀出重围时, 却把那棵石榴树失落了。 人马回到长安, 汉武帝率领百官出城迎接。 正在此时, 忽听后边有一女子在喊: “天朝使臣, 叫俺赶得好苦啊!” 张骞回头看时, 正是在安石国宾馆里见到的那个女子, 只见她披头散发, 气喘吁吁, 白玉般的脸蛋上挂着两行泪水。 张骞一陈惊异, 忙说道: “你为何不在安石国, 要千里迢迢来追我?” 那女子垂泪说道: “路途被劫, 奴不愿离弃天使, 就一路追来, 以报昔日浇灌活命之恩。” 她说罢扑地跪下, 立刻不见了。 就在她跪下去的地方, 出现了一棵石榴树, 叶绿欲滴, 花红似火。 汉武帝和众百官一见无不惊奇, 张骞这才明白了是怎么回事, 就给武帝讲述了在安石国浇灌石榴树的前情。 汉武帝一听, 非常喜悦, 忙命武士刨起出, 移植御花园。 从此,中原就有了石榴树。
“榴者, 天下之奇树, 九洲之名果”, “华实并丽, 滋味亦殊。 商秋受气, 收华敛实, 千房同蒂, 千子如一。 缤纷磊落, 垂光耀质, 滋味浸液, 馨香流溢。” 这是晋代渊岳《安石榴赋》中的一段文字。 它以生花妙笔, 把石榴花果的生姿生态, 色味香形写得千媚百态, 美不胜收。 从此,我们也可以看出,很久以前,中国人已经把石榴作为子孙满堂的象征。
石榴果实中含有机酸、维生素C和B均较丰富, 此外尚有蛋白质、 脂肪以及钙、 磷、 钾等矿物质。 石榴的果实、 果皮、 根及花均可作药。 药用果实多用味酸者, 有涩肠止血之功。 果皮含鞣质、 生物碱及熊果酸等, 有明显的收敛和抑菌作用, 为强力的治痢疾药。 根皮含石榴皮碱, 为驱虫要药, 用于治疗肾结石、糖尿病、乳糜尿也有效。 花可止血, 还用以泡水洗眼, 有明目效能。 另外石榴子油还有雌性激素样作用 -- 这真还是石榴象征多子的科学根据!
石榴作为药用, 有悠久的历史, 各种古医籍均有记载。 历代医家经过临床实践,认为石榴性凉, 有清热、解毒、健胃、润肺、涩肠、止血等功效。 其中, 药用最多的是石榴皮, 多炒后应用。石榴花, 有止鼻阻、吐血及外伤出血的作用, 亦可治自带过多。 外用则可治中耳炎。 石榴嫩叶健胃理肠、消食积、助消化, 外用可治疗眼疾和皮肤病。 现代医学研究认为, 石榴皮内含有“石榴根皮碱", 对各种杆菌和皮肤其菌都有抑制作用。酸石榴含有较多的蹂质, 有收敛杀菌效果, 可治腹泻、荆疾, 并可开胃口、助消化。石榴树的根皮, 有鞍质, 有驱除综虫和蛔虫作用。
4.久泻久病:陈石榴皮,熔干研为细末,每次服10克,米汤送服,1 日2次。
西方人对石榴的认识也一样古老。在圣经中,石榴被多次提及作为美丽和神圣的象征。英国的三个主要医疗协会 Royal College of Midwives, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Physicians, 会徽上全都有用石榴作装饰。也许,这正是西方对石榴医疗作用的认知。
现代医学近几年才展开对石榴的研究,结果却令人喜出望外:石榴含有大量的抗氧化物及人体所需的微元素如钾。这些物质有助于降低胆固醇及高血压。 一些研究显示,每天饮用两杯石榴汁,半个月后,血管内的垢积物明显减少。高血压和高胆固醇是心血管疾病如中风的前兆。
Mythical | Magical | Miracle Pomegranate Power!
What’s in it for you?
Pomegranate? It sounds so last year! But then, it is still the fruit that has shown again and again to have promising abilities! Let’s not forget what has been discovered already:
- Pomegranates are packed with rich, antioxidants, especially within its skin and seeds.
- Pomegranate juice is shown to be good for the prostate, heart, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis and even breast health concerns
- Pomegranate juice is good for man’s power and woman’s skin!
- Only PomeFresh Pomegranate Juice is juiced with the WHOLE fruit therefore all the nutrients are retained in the juice
Some Biblical theorists have suggested that it was not an apple Eve offered to Adam in the Garden of Eden, but a pomegranate! In many cultures, the pomegranate is a symbol of fertility. If the population of the world today is any kind of indication of the fertility power of the pomegranate, this theory could very well be true!
Legends have made the pomegranate a mystical fruit with magical but untold powers. Many members may not have noticed that The British Medical Association and three royal colleges, the Royal College of Midwives, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Royal College of Physicians, all feature the pomegranate in their crests.
It is no wonder, therefore, that the power of the pomegranate has finally caught the attention of modern scientists. Various studies have been done on it from all over the world. It has been commonly recognized that pomegranate fruit and juice are packed with antioxidants—the agents the body uses to protect itself against cell damage. Good natural sources of antioxidants include red wine, tomatoes, green tea, and blueberries, but now scientists believe that pomegranates, which are a rich source of antioxidant compound called polyphenols, could be even better. Researchers have pinpointed a few direct benefits of pomegranate intake.
Eat Right to Fight Diabetes & Obesity!
Certain foods are packed with nutrients that stabilise blood sugar levels, protect your heart, and even save your vision from the complications of diabetes.
Eating the right food is a challenge especially in Singapore where more than half of the people consume eight or more meals a week outside according to latest figures from the Health Promotion Board.
We want to provide you with a meal that can be easily prepared and take it at a time when you have the best control – in the mornings. Most of us can have our breakfast at home most of the time.
A meal only requires 3-5 minutes to prepare and eat! Why not to give it a try? You can get FREE Samples Now!
Not All Carbs Makes one Fat; Good Carbs Takes out Fats
Carbohydrates or carbs are almost seen as a ‘dirty’ word for the health-conscious people. Fortunately, this is not true. We need carbohydrates to survive or live healthily.
Unfortunately, many don’t know that there are different types of carbs. The types of carbs you consume make a lot differences! In fact, most people do not consume enough of certain types of carbs, such as dietary fibre in their diet. The lack of it is the real culprit for many health issues such as diabetes and obesity.
Carbs is the most readily available nutrient for our body as it is converted to glucose quickly so that it can be used by the body to carry out its activities. The downside of this nutrient (as compared to others such as protein and fat) is that they can’t be stored in the body for long. Unused glucose drives up blood sugar level which is then converted into fats. High blood sugar level becomes detrimental when our body is unable to regulate it - that’s how diabetes is developed.
Besides medication, what can a diabetic person do to minimize complications from diabetes?
The answer is to take the right food. Food, carbohydrates in particular, plays a decisive role in managing diabetes risks. Being overweight increases the risk of a person becoming diabetic by multi-folds. You don’t want to eat too much carbs and have them converted into fats that deface your waist. If you are already diabetic or are concerned about having elevated blood sugar level, you want to take the right food that helps to stablise your blood sugar level.
Take the right food that contains carbohydrates which don’t get converted into fats in your body.
We bring you a special meal that contains limited carbohydrates. It comes with a fibre complex coupled with rich Antioxidants, Omega-3 and minerals. In fact, this meal has the precise proportion of all these nutrients that can deliver an impact that is much bigger than their sun.