PomeFresh 100% Organic Pomegranate Juice 1L

$16.00 SGD

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  • Since the re-discovery of this ancient food, Pomegranate fruit and its juice have swept through markets from America to Asia in the past decade. People all over the world are attracted by its rich and complex antioxidants. Supermarkets, health food stores and even street corner fruit shops are stocked with Pomegranate fruits and its juices.

    PomeFresh 100% Pure Organic Pomegranate Juice was the original pomegranate juice which we introduced to Singapore back in 2009. It has been recognized and enjoyed by individuals and families in the past decade. And it is still the juice totally true to its original form:

    • 100% Pure and Organic
    • Juiced from the whole fruit
    • No sugar-added
    • No preservatives
    • No coloring or flavouring

      PomeFresh juices remain the best value-for-money organic juices for you and your loved ones!

    • There are 101 reasons to have a glass of Pomegranate juice regularly. Just read from reputable Websites and you will know that large number of studies have been done on this magic fruit in the 1 ~ 2 decades. Some of the benefits are:

        • Rich antioxidants said to be anti-aging – nourishing from within
        • Juice for the heart
        • Rich potassium to maintain better blood pressure
        • Best for man to care for prostate
        • Beneficial for digestive health


        ***Having said that, we must stress: This is not a cure or supplement for any condition but we believe a suitable diet contributes favourably towards better health and well-being.

        Food can play a positive role in maintaining one’s health and wellbeing, Why not enjoying healthier food regularly?

      • PomeFresh Pomegranate juice has a sweet and sour taste. It is a bit tart as we juice the entire fruits including its skin to lock in the most nutrients.

        You can drink a glass of about 250ml once or twice a day. You can drink it at any time of the day. We recommend to drink the juice at a similar time such as breakfast on regular basis.

        Due to its rich and natural nutrients, people may experience mild stomach discomfort when consuming this juice in the beginning. Most importantly, listen to your body and adapt slowly.

        As our juice is 100% pure, some may find the texture ‘very thick’. It is fine to mix it with water or add in ice before consuming.

      • Our juice is lightly pasteurized – no preservatives added. Thus, the juice will turn bad if it is left in room temperature for a prolonged period of time. Keep it refrigerated after opening and consume it within 4 days.

        Keep unopened bottles in a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight. If the safety-cap is popped up, do not consume it.

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      古埃及人、希腊人、中国人和印度人几千年来都一直在享用石榴的好处。现代医学和科学近几年才留意到石榴的好处并加以研究。这些研究科学地证实了石榴的药用效果。 石榴中含有丰富的各种氨基酸和人体所必需的微量元素及各种维生素。石榴汁中含有延缓衰老、预防心脏病及癌症的抗氧化物,其多酚含量远远高于传统的抗氧化明星如绿茶、红酒等。

      抗氧化物 (Antioxidants)是具有防止或减缓氧化作用能力的物质,能令健康细胞免受自由基的伤害。 在人体里,抗氧化物担当清除自由基的角色。自由基是新陈代谢的正常产物,身体生产它自己的抗氧化物以保持它们的平衡。 不过,不均衡营养、压力、衰老、呼吸污染空气、吸烟等都使身体内产生大量的自由基,打破了二者之间的平衡。今天大都市紧张的生活环境可能使得我们的身体无法生产足够的抗氧化物。 相反,对于自由基来说,现代生活和饮食习惯却为它提供了旺盛产生的温床。


      当然,我们要强调的是,石榴和石榴汁是食品,不是药物。显然无数的研究显示了它的神奇功效,不能把它当作灵丹妙药。如果有病,必须求医问诊,寻求专业治疗。 且不可讳疾忌医。


      古埃及人、希腊人、中国人和印度人几千年来都一直在享用石榴的好处。现代医学和科学近几年才留意到石榴的好处并加以研究。这些研究科学地证实了石榴的药用效果。 石榴中含有丰富的各种氨基酸和人体所必需的微量元素及各种维生素。石榴汁中含有延缓衰老、预防心脏病及癌症的抗氧化物,其多酚含量远远高于传统的抗氧化明星如绿茶、红酒等。

      抗氧化物 (Antioxidants)是具有防止或减缓氧化作用能力的物质,能令健康细胞免受自由基的伤害。 在人体里,抗氧化物担当清除自由基的角色。自由基是新陈代谢的正常产物,身体生产它自己的抗氧化物以保持它们的平衡。 不过,不均衡营养、压力、衰老、呼吸污染空气、吸烟等都使身体内产生大量的自由基,打破了二者之间的平衡。今天大都市紧张的生活环境可能使得我们的身体无法生产足够的抗氧化物。 相反,对于自由基来说,现代生活和饮食习惯却为它提供了旺盛产生的温床。


      当然,我们要强调的是,石榴和石榴汁是食品,不是药物。显然无数的研究显示了它的神奇功效,不能把它当作灵丹妙药。如果有病,必须求医问诊,寻求专业治疗。 且不可讳疾忌医。
